Director of Youth Services
Pronouns: She, Her, Hers
Laura lives on the very multicultural West Side of Buffalo, NY. Whenever possible, she likes to get out of the city to adventure in places with tall trees and rushing water. Speaking of adventures, Laura has visited all 50 states and seen a sunrise from 5 of 7 continents - South America and Antarctica are still on the bucket list. One of her favorite travel experiences was spending time with the Tlingit and Haida people of Southeast Alaska.
FosterClub fuses together Laura’s passions for JEDI (justice, equity, diversity and inclusion) work, student and youth leadership development, and community. She holds a BA in Communication Arts from Gordon College (MA) and a MA in Intercultural Studies from Wheaton College (IL) - which feels pretty darn good to a first generation college graduate.
Laura has served in Director roles at the University of Portland (OR), Gannon University (PA) and L’Arche USA, but her most valued role has been as a foster and adoptive parent.