The application period for the Outstanding Young Leader award is now open! FosterClub’s Outstanding Young Leaders recognition award and scholarship program is for incredible young people whose brilliance and resilience...

On May 12th, 2021, FosterClub and Youth Law Center hosted a webinar with the National Center for Housing and Child Welfare focused on states and jurisdictions, and tribes can maximize...

On March 31st, 2021 FosterClub and Juvenile Law Center featured Child Welfare Leaders from Illinois and Kentucky to share implementation examples and highlights of the Older Youth Provisions of the...

On March 3rd, 2021 FosterClub and Juvenile Law Center, with California Youth Connection, John Burton Advocates for Youth, ACTION Ohio, and Ohio Youth Advisory Board hosted a webinar for advocates...

On February 24th, 2021 FosterClub and Juvenile Law Center, with New Jersey’s Department of Children and Families (DCF) hosted a webinar for advocates on providing direct financial assistance and the...

On February 17th, 2021 FosterClub and Juvenile Law Center, with special guests Youth Law Center and Children's Law Center of California, hosted a webinar for advocates on re-entry and moratorium...

FosterClub and Juvenile Law Center hosted their third webinar for advocates on Wednesday, February 10th, 2021 on outreach, notification & eligibility for young people who are eligible to receive older...

On February 3rd, 2021, FosterClub and Juvenile Law Center were joined by representatives from Think of Us, Together We Rise, and Youth Villages in hosting their second webinar for advocates...

The Supporting Foster Youth and Families through the Pandemic Act (H.R. 7947) became law as part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act on December 27, 2020 (PL 116-260). This law should...