Goldie Brown spent over 12 years in Maryland's foster care system.

With the loving support of his current foster family, Goldie Brown has impacted the future of many youth. Among his many community service hours including cleaning parks, helping homeless and elderly, there is one experience that really stands out. Goldie, despite his own challenges of completing high school and entering college, became a mentor to 15 at-risk youth. His task was to work with the youth to get them attending high school and get them into college. His passion and abilities have combined to award him with 4 prestigious awards: Brother Andre Award, Brother Andre Scholarship, Award for Resilience from Project Pride, and the Unsung Hero Award. This is particularly remarkable when you realize that Goldie has autism. After years of abuse, at age 9, Goldie entered foster care. He encountered more abuse in several homes and had 5 placements -- many were worse than his biological home. At 13, he was placed in a safe and caring home where he felt loved and accepted. Despite his emancipation from foster care, his loving family has allowed him to keep that placement and keep his happy home.

Team(s) or Cohort(s)
2013 Outstanding Young Leaders