Celeste Bodner

Executive Director

(she / her / hers)

Celeste was introduced to foster care when she and her husband unexpectedly became foster parents to two brothers in 1996.  She went on to found FosterClub, the national network for young people in foster care, in 2000. Today, she serves as Executive Director to FosterClub's 16-member professional staff and network of 200 Lived Experience (LEx) Leaders.

Celeste has received accolades from national organizations such as Casey Family Programs and the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute, and was recognized by Michelle Obama as one of MORE Magazine's 'Women Working Wonders.’ Prior to FosterClub, Celeste ran a small communications agency in Portland, working with clients such as Nike, Pottery Barn, and Centex Homes. Celeste attended the University of California at Santa Barbara, but credits her expertise to what she’s learned from young people with lived experience and mentors across the child welfare system. 

The Bodners reside in Seaside, Oregon, and Celeste enjoys beach time with her dogs, golfing, making art and travelling in her spare time. 
