Young Person
or young adult who has experienced foster care. Check out what FosterClub's got for you.
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Kids have a right to see their parents in prison. By Linda R. One of the toughest parts of having a parent locked up is that many kids only get...
My brother was everything to me. I wish we had stayed together.
By Jeremiyah S.
Growing up, my brother and I were known as the twin towers. We're both very...
A New Home From On Their Own By Martha Shirk and Gary Stangler The following story is taken from the book On Their Own, a new book that tells the...
I Was Wrong About Group Homes
By Eric E.
Living without your parents is not easy, especially if you're living with people you don't know. Before I went into a...
Monica's Story From On Their Own By Martha Shirk and Gary Stangler The following story is taken from the book On Their Own, a collection of stories about young people...

“I was born in San Francisco, California, USA, planet Earth, February 24, 1955” Jobs told the Smithsonian in an interview. His birth mother was single and in the 50’s, young...

Most fans got to know Eric La Salle as Dr Benton on the TV medical drama ER, but he has been involved in many dramatic projects. Eric has worked on...

Bruce Oldfield is a royal dress designer, known for his evening gowns for the Royal Family of England including the late Princess Diana. He has also designed for other famous...

Willie Nelson has had a long career writing, recording and performing country music as well as blues, gospel and standard tunes. He is known as one of the greatest songwriters...